Granny Squares - A Classic

Granny Squares are a recurring trend that pops up in different forms from time to time. We see them everywhere in the fashion scene, krea magazines and on social media in countless variations and colors. It testifies that they are on a lot of the crochet hooks again, and that the old crochet classic has once again been given new life .
The Granny squares are so beautiful and there are so many options with the beautiful squares - Bags, pillows, blankets, tops, potholders, bookmarks just to name a few. You can give them your very own personal touch with the countless color combinations. And then they are both fun and quick to crochet.
The repetitions in the pattern ensure that there is a certain order in the project, while color- and yarn choices create small unique squares.

We just love crocheting the Granny squares, and have a hard time stopping once we get started, when working with all the colors.
Quite exceptionally, we have chosen a multicolour color mix with 18 different colors. For each square we use 6 colors. We want to make all squares different so that no two are alike. With 18 colors, there are an incredible number of options, but since the colors repeat, there will still be a good continuous coherence in them. In addition, we will crochet the last and 6th round on our squares in the same color, so that the colors of the first 5 rounds really stands out.
Pia is on a longer trip around Europe in a motorhome with her family. Here the desire suddenly came to make a delicious rug in Granny Squares. On such a trip, it is perfect to have a project that you can easily go to, and which at the same time varies according to which colors you work with.
We do not quite know where the project it will end up, because we have lots of ideas. Maybe it will be a blanket, a bag or something completely different. But a lot of squares are needed - so we start with that.

The crocheted squares are perfect for using your yarn leftovers, also across yarn types. If you want a clean look, you should use the same yarn type for the entire project. May it be a little more wild, then go crazy in all yarn types and sizes. If you can get the squares roughly equal in size, they are easier to put together in the end.
There are so many patterns for Granny Squares in many forms that you can easily google some. We have made a pattern for the version we are working on - find it here
Once we have crocheted enough squares, we will update the pattern with instructions on what they can be used for and how to wash and block them. In addition, there will also be good advice and techniques on how they can be crocheted or sewn together.